Project information

  • Category: Sentimental Analysis
  • Domain: Social Media
  • Skills: Python, ML Libraries like Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, TensorFlow
  • Project date: December, 2022
  • Project URL: Analying the Social Media Content

Business Challenge

  • Analyzing social media data and recommending people is the goal of this project. This allows the product owners to give recommendations to sell their products. It will help you to conduct in-depth market research and understand your competitors' strategie
  • It demonstrates the skills of using sentiment analysis, Python, and extensive machine learning libraries like TensorFlow.
  • This is the project which mainly helps to see how we can know what people are more interested in and what they would likely see on their social media accounts.
  • My personal interest to choose this project is it helps to give suggestions and to recommend the products to people for their own businesses also. Out of personal interest, I did this project as I would like to start a startup in the near future. It demonstrates the skills of using sentimental analysis, python, and using extensive ml libraries like TensorFlow