Project information

  • Category: Time Series Analysis
  • Domain: Renewable Energy Industry
  • Skills: Python, Feature Scaling, ML Libraries like Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy
  • Project date: August, 2021
  • Project URL: Forecasting Solar Wind Power

Business Challenge

  • This project aims to develop a forecasting model to provide farm owners with a calculation of the predicted power. It will help them to run their business without facing hurdles. The vision and mission of this project are to create an eco-friendly environment by using renewable energy resources for power production.
  • It is related to the renewable energy industry and focuses on power forecasting. Estimating the power yield for a farm helps the owner. This project is related to my professional experience. The primary goal and mission of this project are to demonstrate and explore a variety of renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy. However, generating electricity from coal and nuclear energy produces a lot of pollution
  • This will meet the need to develop an environmentally friendly power producer. It allowed me to demonstrate my technical skills, such as basic data cleaning and understanding the various predictive models used to work with time series data.
  • The primary skill set I have mastered is time series analysis and the selection of the best attributes for feature scaling.