Project information

Business Challenge

  • The goal of this project is to automate the process of controlling traffic. It will stimulate traffic congestion by retrieving the information and controlling the traffic by automating the signals. It serves to control traffic jam situations and ease the traffic.
  • This project assists people in arriving at their destinations on time. It will guide people smoothly along the paths they need to take. The idea besides selecting the project is that everyone is busy and rushes in, especially in the mornings when they go to work and, in the evenings when they return. There may be school buses and pedestrians walking in the mornings. However, congestion issues may arise. It is extremely difficult for traffic officers to make decisions at that time.
  • This project will collect data from IoT devices such as sensors and help to automate the traffic-directing process in real-time.
  • This project demonstrates abilities such as understanding the Reinforcement Learning concept and utilizing Q-learning algorithms and extensive libraries such as Keras.