Project information

  • Category:Data Science
  • Domain: Machine learning algorithims
  • Skills: Python,ML Libraries like Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, TensorFlow, Keras, Neural Networks, RNN, CNN, DNN , Auto encoders
  • Project date: April, 2023
  • Project URL: Data science programming course work projects

Details of the work

  • The goal of this repository is to demonstrate my data science programming skills that I learned in the course and applied the techniques on several datasets for practical learning exposure.
  • I have accomplished in applying the supervised machine learning algorithims like SVM, logistic regression, decision trees and regression techniques like Simple linear regression and Multi variate linear regression by taking the crytotheraphy dataset in analysing the result of treatment.
  • I learnt the deep learning algorithims and the concept of Neural networks , Deep Neural networks, Convolution Neural networks, Recurrrent neural networks on MNIST data sets and observed the results and understood the functionality.
  • I acomplished the concept of text mining and unsupervised algorithm Auto encoders. I applied the autoencoders to the first letter of my name by creating the 5 different version images and trained the model and observed how it is able to reconstruct the images